👋 Hey! It is Karin here. 

Welcome to my ✨ newsletter ✨. This is the place where I tackle topics around product, business, personal finance and spirituality. Subscribe today to get each and every issue. 

I am taking the week off to be with my family at a farm close to Berlin. Up until mid August, my kids have their Summer break (a.k.a no childcare for us) and I intend to be offline most of the time, recharging, reading and getting energy and inspiration from walks in the forest, collecting stones and who knows, maybe cleaning out stables.

Our friends this week

Thanks to all who attended the first webinar on Prototyping in the age of AI last week, I had a blast! I plan to take all feedback in and make another edition in August. Who knows, maybe this will become a regular thing. Stay tuned for that!

Before I go, I have some news: I partnered up with Andre Albuquerque from OneMonthPM to launch an exciting new Membership program that turns you into a full stack Product Manager. Check it out here: OneMonthPM Membership.

I am teaching the module on Prototyping. There are 15 other fabulous faculty members teaching very hands on, practical modules around:

  • Prototyping
  • AI prompting
  • AI Marketing
  • Negotiation
  • Storytelling
  • Designing with data
  • Setting goals
  • ...and more. 

Plus you can access all other OneMonthPM Programs. I think we bring a lot of value to the table!

And finally, if you’re looking for something to read or listen to in the meantime:

  1. I am getting my creative juices flowing by listening to Greg Isenberg's podcast "Startup Ideas!". Entertaining and inspirational!
  2. Less entertaining but definitely insightful Expert Secrets by Russel Brunson.
  3. And I started Rest by  Alex Soojung-Kim Pang with the promising subtitle of Why You Get More Done When You Work Less

I wish you a relaxing and energising Summer break and speak soon.

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