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Stop Repeating Yourself: Overcoming ChatGPT's Amnesia with Custom Instructions 

Picture this: I'm sitting at my desk, brainstorming lead magnet ideas for this very website. Excited, I turn to ChatGPT for help. The first conversation is... underwhelming.

The suggestions are bland, generic, and far from the punchy content I need. Frustrated, I leave it. I try again on the next day, to discover it has already forgotten all the context. 

This cycle of forgetfulness highlights a key challenge when using ChatGPT regularly.

ChatGPT is like a genius that has short memory loss.

It has vast knowledge yet doesn't know anything about you. Like Drew Barrymore's character Lucy in "50 First Dates," who wakes up without memory of the previous day, ChatGPT starts fresh with every conversation. Just as Adam Sandler's character Henry must creatively win Lucy's heart anew each day, users find themselves repeatedly explaining their context and preferences to ChatGPT.

In an ideal world, for each question or interaction with ChatGPT, we should write dense and detailed instructions for it to take on a role.

Nobody has time for that. 

We assume it will remember, when it won’t. This leads to generic and uninteresting answers, causing many people to give up and stop using it. 

You can overcome this with custom instructions. 

Customs instructions

Custom instructions are a way to give ChatGPT a permanent memory upgrade. With custom instructions, you can provide context about yourself, your preferences, and your goals that ChatGPT will remember and apply in every conversation.

Custom instructions are like giving ChatGPT a cheat sheet about you that it can refer to each time you interact, eliminating the need to start from scratch every single timen. 

Custom instructions are a game-changing, yet under-utilized feature within ChatGPT. By setting them up, you can drastically improve your interactions, making every conversation smarter and more relevant.

Custom instructions allow you to add preferences or requirements that you’d like ChatGPT to consider when generating its responses.
Source: OpenAI

They’re OpenAI’s response to the friction of starting every ChatGPT interaction from scratch. It’s how to tell ChatGPThow to answer and what to consider. It will consider them for every conversation going forward. 

Today I’ll show you how to use and set them up. 

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